Your church needs you to join a liker gang.
No, we didn’t say “biker gang.” We need a large number of Facebook members to commit to doing something on behalf of the church that will take less than 5 minutes a day, but will make a big difference in the visibility of our church to the larger community.
All we need you to do, when you open up Facebook, is to be sure to visit the church’s Facebook page and click on “Like” for that page itself, and – this is the important thing – to go there every day after that, clicking on “Like” for every new item you see posted there.
You can find our Facebook page here:
Facebook has recently tweaked their algorithm, the formula that determines what shows up in users’ newsfeeds. The changes mean that items posted by organizations (as opposed to individuals) aren’t visible to so many users as they used to be. Pages that consistently get a large number of “likes,” though, are seen by more people in our local area.
We could invest in advertising through Facebook that gets our posts featured more prominently. But we have no advertising budget for that sort of thing. We can accomplish the same result for free by simply inspiring a lot of “likes” from our members and friends. Their family and friends are then more likely to see our church’s posts. It’s like inviting someone to get to know our church better, without ever directly inviting them.
It’s one of the simplest things you can do for your church, and you don’t even need to leave your home to do it.
We’re also looking for a volunteer to help coordinate the work of our new Liker Gang – and no, you don’t need a motorcycle. Monmouth Presbytery’s social media consultant, John Fong, will help our Liker Gang leader with ideas about how to increase participation. We’ll soon be opening up a private Facebook group where members of the Liker Gang can coordinate with each other. If you’re interested in becoming a leader of our Liker Gang, please contact Kim in the church office.
In the meantime, please visit our Facebook page, like it, and then keep going back to it every day. Thanks!