St. Gregory’s Pantry has been receiving donations of new toys for the annual Christmas Distribution, scheduled for this coming Tuesday, December 16, 2014. Unfortunately, this year donations are not as strong as they’ve been in the past, so we’re putting out an urgent appeal.
Please consider bringing a new, unwrapped toy to Church this Sunday as a donation. The Pantry gives two to three presents per child to families in need. Gifts for teenagers are especially needed – CDs, gift cards, sweaters, hats, nail polish, etc.
In addition, the Pantry has lost several of their regular volunteers, so there’s a need for volunteer help on the distribution day. Do you have a few hours to spare, this Tuesday, to help make some needy families’ Christmas a little merrier?
Volunteers are needed to help check people in, go “shopping” with a clients, monitor the tables and keep them in order and stocked. Those who volunteer need not stay for the whole time. Even a few hours would help. The clients start to arrive around 8:30 a.m. and the store usually stays open until 2:30 p.m. Lunch is provided for volunteers. People are needed to help clean up as well as to make deliveries the following day, December 17.
Please consider helping with this event that tends to the needs of our own community. Should you have any questions or if you’re be willing to volunteer, please contact our church office.
Monday, December 15 – Setup
Tuesday, December 16 – Toyland Store
Wednesday, December 17 – Cleanup and Deliveries