We lived a glorious week learning what it means to live fully alive at Vacation Bible School. What an amazing time we spent with our children growing in faith—learning in groups, singing, dancing, learning, creating craft projects, and playing games!
We thank our dedicated volunteers: Marion Blackford, Deb Brendler, Marilyn Coppolino, Randy Crate, Andrea Crate, *Lola Darcy, *Todd Ferry, Marge Meklin, Joanne McGuire, Cathy Walker, Joe Paradise, Frank Perkowski, Sue Perkowski, Barbara Reusch, *Katie Reusch, Marilyn Rice, and Donna Wittmann (*Youth Counselors)
We, also, thank the members of our generous congregation who supported VBS through prayer and financial/snack donations! We were delighted, too, with the outpouring of donations for backpacks to be given to children participating in the Interfaith Hospitality Network. Thank you!
Please click the link to enjoy some special moments at VBS in a multimedia presentation prepared by Joe Paradise (Thank you, Joe!)