Happy Birthday, PPPC!
Tomorrow is Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church’s 140th birthday! During the summer of 1882, a vacationing Presbyterian minister from Elizabeth, NJ invited some local families to worship in his summer Jersey Shore home. The Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church was formally organized on October 22, 1882.
Birthdays are often the day when we reflect on the year(s) past and imagine what the coming year(s) will hold. As our imaginary birthday candle is placed before us, I can’t help but feel gratitude for all of the years of ministry and priesthood of believers who’ve come before. I also can’t help but feel a great sense of hope for the year(s) to come. What will they bring? We do not know. But we do know that we don’t enter into our 141st year alone, Jesus the Christ walks with us by the power of the Holy Spirit. The saints’ of PPPC who’ve come before surround us as the great cloud of witnesses. The saints’ of the church with whom we weekly worship, fellowship, serve, study, and give are walking alongside us. And the saints’ we have yet to meet, but will surely encounter on the journey, are waiting just up the road.
We’ll celebrate our 140th birthday during and after worship on Sunday, November 6th (see below for more information). However, let’s not allow this Saturday pass us by without taking a moment to reflect, offer a prayer of gratitude to our living God, and to step forward in hope.
With deep gratitude for our shared life together,
Pastor Molly