In January, we began our Student of the Week Program, which will continue through June.
Each student will be given the opportunity to have a special week. During this time, parents and children will fill out a special poster together (given to them by his/her teachers) telling the class all about themselves. Each child will be able to take home Brown Bear (our stuffed classroom bear) and journal about his adventures. Finally, someone from each family may come in one day to school to do a special activity. Some examples from the past have been reading a favorite book, making a craft, teaching a specific lesson, doing yoga, planting seeds, and playing the guitar and singing songs. Our families use their imagination and have fun with it!
Last week Ruby’s mom came in and taught the class some Spanish. She then used those Spanish words in a game of Simon Says! We enjoy each unique activity and the children love the experience of bringing someone special here!
Point Beach Prep has openings in our classes and ongoing registration. For more information, please call Devlin House at 732-701-9900.