Since 2004 every November our PW and church have been packing shoebox gifts bringing hope and joy to millions of children in 170 countries around the world along with many other churches and organizations. This year in the middle of a pandemic it is even more important to let these children know they are loved by continuing our pledge by building our shoebox gifts online using the following link:
In just a few clicks, you can select toys and other fun items to include as well as a letter and photo to delight the heart of a child. It only takes a few minutes to complete. No more labels, attaching shipping cost, or dropping boxes off at the church. Our church has a goal of making 50 boxes online. With an average of 75 boxes packed in the past, this is a very attainable goal you can help us reach. By using the link above your box will be counted towards our goal. Please share this PPPC link with family and friends to realize our goal knowing that our Christmas blessings will travel around the world even in the midst of a pandemic
All shoebox purchases are secure. Build online FAQ can answer any questions you may have.