Each year on World Communion Sunday, we celebrate that Christ’s peace extends throughout all creation. We celebrate at the Communion table, and with our siblings in every time and place, we commit to building a more peaceful and joyful world. God’s peace, empowered by God’s joy, reminds us that we are connected to each other. We are not alone. Peace begins and moves through each of us.
During worship on World Communion Sunday, this year on October 1st, we will receive the Peace & Global Witness Offering.
A quarter of what is received stays here at Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church to help those in our community experience the freedom and dignity that Christ wants for everyone, everywhere. Another quarter goes to the mid-council and half goes to the Presbyterian Mission Agency. The Presbyterian Mission Agency is a body of our church, continually working to advocate for peace and justice in cultures of violence, through collaborative projects of education and Christian witness.
If you will be worshiping in-person on Sunday, October 1st, there will be special envelopes in your pew and in your bulletin. If you will be worshiping via Zoom, please bring your offering to the church office or use the “Give Online” button at top of your newsletter and note that it is for the Peace & Global Witness Offering.