Picnic Theme: Go!


We are taking our worship theme at our picnic this year from the Youth Triennium. It was a one-word theme – Go. One of our young people who attended Triennium plans to be at the picnic and is excited about sharing some of her experiences there.

We hope that, during our informal worship service to be held at the park, others of you will also be willing to share a story of an experience of how the word “Go” has impacted your faith. “Go” is an important word in the Bible. Abraham was told to go to a land where God would show him. Moses was told to go to Egypt to free God’s people from slavery. The lawyer who came to Jesus asking how he could gain eternal life was told the parable of the Good Samaritan. When Jesus asked him which of the three (Priest, Levite, Samaritan) had proved to be a neighbor, the lawyer answered, “The Samaritan”. Jesus told him to “Go and do likewise.”

How has God told you to go? Where is God telling us as a congregation to go? Think about this word in connection with your faith. Be willing to share with others in worship at the picnic. Hope to see you there!