Our curriculum this summer centers on faith and encourages hands-on learning and fun! POWER UP VBS will challenge children to RAISE THEIR GAME because knowing God and trusting in Jesus fills each of us with the Fruit of the Spirit!
Each day we will worship, experience an exciting new Bible story video, learn new songs with dazzling dance moves, follow-up in small groups, create a craft, enjoy snack, and play a game. Thursday night will be family night.
Our Mission Project was so successful last year! So, again this summer, we will supply special items for backpacks (i.e. pajamas, pillow pets, pillow buddy, stuffed animal, blanket, child’s book) to be given to temporarily homeless children who participate with their families in our Interfaith Hospitality Network throughout the year.
POWER UP VBS is designed for children who have completed grades K-5 and for preschoolers 3 – 5 years old. Vacation Bible School begins on Monday, August 5 and continues through Friday, August 9, 2019. Hours are 9:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m.
Cost: $20 for your first child, $5 for each additional child. Please return your completed online registration to the church office.
If you’d like to spark your child’s enthusiasm to grow in faith over the summer, please register now for this exciting opportunity at Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church!