This week we learned all about letter H.
Our Nursery read Ho for a Hat!,Where is Mary’s Hat?,Hungry Harry, and Cock a Doodle Hooo. They made hats, houses and handprint turkeys. Their sign language word was “hug”. They practiced their songs for the upcoming Thanksgiving Shows.
Our Pre-K read Home for Hermit Crab,The Snowy Nap(hedgehog),Hush Up and Hibernate, and Countdown to Thanksgiving. They made hedgehogs,turkeys,holiday handprints, and their programs for the big show. They learned sign language for “H” and “hi”. They sang Happy and You Know It, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, Pig on her Head, and practiced all of our songs for the show.
On Monday we welcomed church member and Retired Army Specialist Chris Cook for Veteran’s Day. We read him a story, recited a poem, gave him a special poster, lots of candy, and a patriotic plant. He told us stories and answered some of the children’s questions. We are grateful for his service. We would like to thank all Veterans for their service to our country!