Coming soon, a new adult study which asks, “Are you satisfied with your prayer life? Would you like to grow in this area of your spiritual life?” Consider joining with others to be part of a class called Pray, Eat, Grow. We will be using the book The Workbook of Living Prayer by Maxie Dunnam. This is a 20th anniversary updated version of a book that has sold over 500,000 copies and changed countless lives.
It is a 7 week study which uses a workbook format. A time commitment of 20-30 minutes a day will be needed outside of the weekly class. There is a daily reading which provides guidance in your individual prayer journey. We will share our insights, our growing edges and learning as we gather for our weekly group journey.
The class will meet on Mondays beginning May 2nd. The first class will be for an hour and the next 6 classes will run from 10:30 to noonish. Since the last study group enjoyed having a meal together each week, we will build that into our class. This is the EAT part of the Pray, Eat, Grow.
The cost of the book is $10. If you have questions about the class please see Linda Chase. There is a sign up in the church narthex or call the church office. Books need to be ordered soon.