St. Gregory’s Pantry gives temporary aid (a 4 day supply of food and personal items) to approximately 1200 individuals annually. This Summer pantry items are running quite low. Items to be donated to the Pantry can be dropped off in the baskets in the Narthex. Currently the Pantry is collecting personal hygiene supplies (toothpaste, lotion, deodorant). A lot of their clients have microwave cooking only, so items that can be microwaved or eaten out of a can are always needed. Can openers are also desperately needed with the last one given out this past week to someone living out of their car. Do you have a surplus of produce from your garden this Summer? Consider dropping it off at the Pantry M-F from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. Clients especially love receiving fresh produce. Thank you for continually supporting this great need in our own community.