Last week, we had our first week of real instruction. This was an opportunity to take the curriculum out for a spin to see what we could do. So far, I am very happy with the way it covers things. I also love that the Pre K/K lessons correlate with the 1st-5th grade lessons. This means everyone is studying the same bible story, but the lesson is more age specific and presented in different ways in order to stay within the realm of understanding in each age group. This week, we were introduced to Samuel, the boy who listened to God.
In the 1st-5th grade class, we heard the story of when God called Samuel in the night. Then we reflected on what it may have been like to be in Samuel’s position. Some said they would have been excited, others said they would have been a little scared. However, we all agreed that we would have listened to God and answered his call. After we discussed the story, we talked about ways we have heard God call us. Not necessarily waking up in the night like Samuel, but ways we just knew God was calling us to do his work. After the discussions, we worked on a coloring sheet that reminded us of the story. We are also working on side projects to decorate the Sunday School room and add some pizazz to those white walls. Whenever the students have completed their work, they have the option to work on coloring different sheets with words such as pray, love, create, and other words to remind us what Sunday School is all about.
Our Pre K and Kindergarten friends got to start off with a fun game about listening. They shook brown paper bags and had to guess what was inside of them. Then they read the story about Samuel and talked about what it means to listen. After the lesson, Ms. Karen and Ms. Kerry helped our friends with a cute craft of Samuel in his bed.
This week, we will be continuing on about the life of Samuel and exploring 1 Samuel 16: 1-13. Over the next few weeks we will be following Samuel’s path and learning about the extraordinary things he did and witnessed.
See you this weekend!
Peace and Blessings,
Tricia Stoffers