We are having a great time studying the Book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was an individual who saw what needed to be done and did it with God’s help. We, too, are concentrating on looking around our home, school, and community to see everyday things we can do to build God’s Kingdom. Our memory verse this month is from Colossians 3:23 (NIRV), “Work at everything you do with all your heart. Work as if you were working for the Lord.” You may wish to watch a
Preview Video.
We meet in church for the beginning of worship. Then we head to Wilton Hall for our large group experience of discussion, Bible story video viewing, and worship music/dance. Our followup activities take place in our small groups downstairs: Grades 4-6, Grades 1-3, and Kindergarten/Preschool.
We invite you to register your child for Sunday School by downloading the Online Registration Form. Bring it to church this Sunday.