Sunday School Online Zoom Sessions for families of children in grades preschool (age 3+) through grade 5 continue in the new school year starting Sunday, September 13 at 9 a.m. Sessions will last approximately 35-40 minutes. Participating families will receive Zoom meeting login credentials directly.
During our sessions, we will chat about our theme, watch the Bible story videos, enjoy music, and experience some of the other media available through our curriculum. Engaging family follow-up ideas/materials will arrive via email for use during the week.
In September we will concentrate on the theme of “Friendship.”
Kindly fill in the 2020-2021 Online Sunday School Registration, so that we will know to send you weekly invitations with Zoom ID and password. Then, please scan the form, or snap a photo with your cell phone, and email it to pppcsundayschool@gmail.com.
Hope to see you soon!