Many in our congregation know about Interfaith Hospitality Network of Ocean County and the blessing it is to families in our community. In return it often turns out to be a blessing to those who volunteer during our week of hosting. The Interfaith Hospitality Network of Ocean County is an interfaith ministry committed to providing shelter, meals and assistance to homeless families.
Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church is proud to be a host congregation that provides overnight accommodations, a family-style evening meal and breakfast in the morning for up to 14 people, several times a year. Families will be arriving at our Church on Sunday, May 14 and leaving on Sunday, May 21. During the week we are in need of volunteers to help with meals, set-up, evening fellowship and overnight hosting. Look for the sign up sheet that is in the Narthex.
On May 18th IHN of Ocean County will be marking 20 years of serving homeless families in Ocean County. IHN is having a 20th Anniversary 50/50 raffle. For just $5.00 a ticket you will be a partner in helping families reach self-sufficiency in a program founded on compassion and acceptance. The raffle drawing will take place at the IHN office on Monday, May 15 at 6:00 p.m. You need not be present to win. To purchase raffle tickets, please call our church office. For more information visit their updated website and read their Spring newsletter. You can also like them on Facebook.