Yes, a picture is worth a thousand words. That is an actual hole in our roof! We need to COVER IT UP!
Our Sanctuary roof has outlived its useful life and it is overdue for replacement. This glorious structure has been in our community since 1882 and we are entrusted with its care. This is a major project and there is evidence of leaks in a number of interior ceilings in the building.
We have done our due diligence by selecting all the proper materials that are needed and working with several bids, to select the best roofer for the job.
The cost of this project is approximately $75,000. We need to pay a deposit of about $20,000 at the end of January.
How do you contribute? We have ordered gold envelopes which will be available in the pews. A check made out to PPPC with a note “Roof”, sent or placed in the offering plate.
If you prefer electronic giving click HERE. If you prefer to spread out your giving over 3 months, that is great. The campaign will run January, February and March!
These are tax deductible charitable contributions. Check with your financial adviser, but we understand that contributions from a qualified retirement account directly to the church are not considered taxable income.
We will be providing weekly updates and there will be messages delivered from congregation members with long histories under this roof.
We ask you to prayerfully consider making a contribution and think how good you will feel sitting under this NEW ROOF!! Look for updates and watch our “roof thermometer” grow.