The Manse at 704 Forman Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach
Last week the Session voted to renovate the Manse to accommodate a new pastor or to accommodate a rental agreement. There is a special history with the Manse and the church.
It is recorded that Zebulon Van Note held a deed dated Sept 29, 1879 for Lot 873 on the Map of Point Pleasant Land Company. This is the location on the current Manse.
Zebulon P. Vannote was a farmer, stage proprietor, politician, and business entrepreneur who married Mary Thompson and they raised five children at 704 Forman Avenue. Zebulon owned the Zebulon Van Note Livery Stables.
Mrs. Van Note was received as a member at Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church in 1892. She was a dedicated and faithful worker in the church leading the Missionary Society for 17 years. She was known for her beautiful prayers during prayer meetings. During that time she graciously opened up her home for church receptions and sociables.
Following their passing the church purchased the homestead on December 9, 1957 from their daughter Florence N Wheeler at the cost of $25,000. The homestead included a vacant corner lot which is now the site of the Christian Education Building. (Mrs. Wheeler was the mother of long time member Emery Wheeler.)
Under the ownership of the church, the manse has underdone many renovations over the years. The first was in 1969 and the last major renovation ran from 1999-2003.