The newest edition of These Days, the daily devotional booklet, is now available in the Narthex or in the Church office for $3. This edition, covering the months of July, August and September, features several daily meditations written by Pastor Carl Wilton. You can find his contributions at both the beginning and the end of the three-month period covered by the booklet.
Featuring daily meditations and devotions thoughtfully written by clergy and lay leaders, These Days continues to be a source of comfort and hope throughout the world for thirty-five years.
Each quarterly issue of These Days includes:
- Approximately ninety devotions, one for each day of three months
- An action step for each daily entry that enables readers to apply what they’ve read to their lives
- Both regular and large-print editions
- Colorful seasonal art on the outside covers with poems, prayers, and songs pertinent to the issue’s theme
- Information about the writers
- Suggestions for using the devotions
- Space for creating individual prayer lists
- “These Moments,” a brief segment on contemporary issues, opening each issue
- “These Times,” the concluding section that includes questions for reflection and discussion