What better way to celebrate the letter P than by having a pajama day! We also served pancakes. We played with the parachute and pretended to pop popcorn on it with the balls.
Our Nursery class did pom pom painting,made puppets, pajamas, and pigs for Lunar New Year. They did a penguin dance. They read polar Bear, Polar Bear,Puff the Magic Dragon,If You Give a Pig a Pancake, and Pete the Cat. Their sign language word was “pig”.
Our Pre-k pals pretended to be pirates and made pirate hats, eye patches and spyglasses for a treasure hunt! They played a pirate ring toss game and pretended to walk the plank! They also made penguins and pig noses. They sang pirate songs, Peanut Butter and Jelly,Pig on Her Head, and did a penguin dance. It was a perfect week!