This Week at Point Beach Prep

This week we began Show and Tell. Our students will bring in something each week, with each new letter of the alphabet.
Through Show and Tell the children will:
-learn to speak and listen
-learn how to be an audience and introduce themselves
-learn how to ask inquiry based questions
-learn to make connections between student responses
-anticipate and observe
-practice critical reasoning skills
-practice storytelling
-learn same and different
-use vocabulary
-use descriptive language
-increase confidence
-solidify the home/ school connection
We are learning letter S so we saw shields, sprinkles, Snoopy, Superman, a sequenced snake, a snowman and more. It was a super way to start!

Point Beach Prep will be hosting award-winning children’s recording artist and entertainer, YOSI! On March 18th at 11 am and 1:10 pm Yosi will rock the house with a humorous and interactive Pajama Party! He will be back on March 26th at 11 am for a multicultural, interactive, and educational concert filled with songs, humor, dances, and musical instruments from around the world! If you know of a preschool aged child that may like to join us (with a supervising adult), please have them call 732-701-9900 to RSVP!