This week for letter B our Nursery class played a balloon game,baked in our “bakery”,gave our baby dolls baths, blew bubbles, played basketball, and enjoyed music with bells. They made birds, butterflies and binoculars at the craft table. The students have been exploring nature with magnifying glasses, looking at insects, rocks, leaves, and acorns. They are continuing to tend to the Point Beach Prep garden, as well as picking the tomatoes. Having a garden teaches the children responsibility, healthy eating habits, fine motor skills, and how to take care of the environment.
Our Pre-K met letter doll Mr. B with his blue shirt and blue jeans. They had fun bowling, playing basketball and walking on the balance beam. They brainstormed B words and looked for the letter B in our books from the bookshelf. They looked around the classroom for things that are blue.They played badminton with balloons. Their sight word was “be” and sign language was “boy”. They made butterflies, beans, blueberries, beads and bee projects. During music they sang We’re Going On a Bear Hunt, If I Were a Butterfly, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Gummy Bear Song and Row Row Row Your Boat. Boy, did we have fun!