We Invite You to Sunday School
It’s Time to Register!
We are thrilled to begin Sunday School on Sunday, September 9, 2018 with an exciting NEW curriculum! We will enjoy large and small group learning experiences, amazing Bible story videos, music, worship, dance, games, activities, crafts, and more, as we grow in our faith!
Please enjoy this Preview Video, so you will know what’s happening in Sunday School during the month of September.
We invite children from Preschool (age 3+) through grade 5 to join us. Each Sunday morning, the children will enter the Sanctuary with their parents/guardians to experience the beginning of our 10:00 a.m. worship service. Then, they will leave, supervised by their teachers and Escort Shepherds, and walk across the street to Wilton Hall upstairs in the Education Annex. Following worship, we ask parents to enjoy fellowship at our Coffee Hour, before they walk over to the Annex to gather their child(ren) from their classroom downstairs at 11:20 a.m.
So that we can prepare efficiently for your arrival, please download the online Sunday School Registration Form, fill-out both sides, and hand deliver or mail to the PPPC Church Office, 701 Forman Ave., Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 as soon as possible. May I suggest an even easier, quicker method? After filling out the form, take a photo with your cell phone of both sides and send it by email to pppcsundayschool@gmail.com. We will, at least, know quickly that you are coming! Then, return the original form with signature on the first day of Sunday School.
If you have questions, please email me directly or leave a message through the church office at (732) 899-0587.
With joy and anticipation,
Frank Perkowski (for the Sunday School Staff)
Sunday School Coordinator
“Anyone who welcomes a little child like this one in my name welcomes me.”
Matthew 18:5 (NIRV)