There is an urgent need for Church World Service (CWS) School Kits. We will be collecting them in the usual box in the North Hall, and the deadline is July 14th. Please help if you can.
Busy Hands has some bags, if you want one, they will be in the PW box in the church office, please take only what you will use for school kits.
Here is what goes into the kit:
One pair of blunt metal scissors (rounded tip)
Three 70-count spiral notebooks or notebooks totaling 200-210 pages (no loose-leaf or filler paper)
One 30 centimeter ruler (12″)
One hand held pencil sharpener
One large eraser
Six new pencils with erasers
One box of 24 crayons (only 24)
All items should be placed in a 12″ x 14″ to 14″ x17″ finished size cotton or lightweight canvas bag with cloth handles. (Please, no reusable shopping bags or backpacks).
The processing/shipping cost is $2 per kit. Please do not put the money in the bag. Either give the money to your circle treasurer* or put it in an envelope labeled “CWS School Kits” and bring it to the office.