We Can Respond Compassionately to Human Suffering

Some of you have expressed great concern over last week’s ICE activities in Mississippi affecting a large number of families of undocumented workers.

You will be pleased to know that First Presbyterian Church of Canton, MS has partnered with Sacred Heart Catholic Church to set up daycare and a food pantry. A member of the Presbyterian church there is heading up a team of over 40 attorneys who are donating their time to offer free help to families that have been separated, as well as to help many Hispanic members of the community who are very afraid. Thus far, 125 families have been taken under the care of the legal team. Hundreds more have been counseled.

Monetary donations or gift cards to Walmart can be sent to the church (202 E. Peace St, Canton, MS 39046) or to Sacred Heart Catholic Church (238 East Center Street, Canton, MS 39046).