Our goal for the Summer Heat campaign was $25,000 in special gifts and pledges, for new boilers to heat the Education Annex and the church offices and Nursery. We’re now happy to announce that we’ve met the goal.
As of Sunday, June 14th, $25,148 has been given or pledged. Approximately $5,000 is in pledges to be paid between now and the end of the year. The rest has been given in cash. Thank you to all who have responded with such generosity!
The Session has approved contracts for replacing both boilers, with the work to be done over the summer – probably during the month of August. The large boiler in the CE Annex is going to be replaced by two smaller boilers that will operate in tandem. That way, in the future, if one of those boilers develops mechanical difficulties, the other one can carry the load while repairs are made, insuring that there will be no interruption to Point Beach Prep classes or other church programming. Replacing the boiler in the Sanctuary building will insure a steady supply of heat to the offices and Nursery (which is the zone covered by that unit).
Again, thanks to all who have supported the Summer Heat campaign!