With Only Faith for Protection

Faith for ProtectionIn one of the most dangerous places in the world, the Rev. Peter Tibi stands between the government of South Sudan and rebel factions with only his clerical collar and his faith for protection.

The director of RECONCILE International (Resource Center for Civil Leadership) uses shuttle diplomacy to carry information between the two groups with the goal of discouraging armed conflict, negotiating humanitarian access and preventing revenge killings. There is so much distrust, the two groups will not even agree to direct discussions.

And so Tibi travels.

Since South Sudan’s birth as a nation in 2011, over 50,000 people have been killed, more than 1.9 million have been internally displaced and 1.8 million have fled the country…. Both sides blame the other for violating the ceasefire.

“We remain hopeful,” Tibi said in a Skype conversation. “Jesus said he would be with us always. Engaging people in peacemaking also brings them hope. Our work is a bridge connecting people.”

Read the full article on Peter Tibi’s courageous peacemaking work.