The Point Pleasant Presbyterian Youth Connection would like to ask for your help this year. We are doing a food drive for St. Gregory’s Pantry, located in St. Mary’s by the Sea Episcopal Church in Point Pleasant Beach.
Supplies are dangerously low this year. We are asking for your help in any way you can by donating things such as: canned goods, non-perishables, laundry detergent, household cleaning supplies, baby care products, etc. Not only will you get to help those in need, you will be able to help people in need, right in our community!
Just put the items you want to donate in a bag marked Youth Connection Food Drive, and leave them in the Narthex (just inside the Bay Avenue entrance to the Sanctuary). Bags will be available in the Narthex after the service on Sundays. We will even make it easy for you to help! The Youth Connection can also pick up bags at your house. Let Courtney Norton know your address and they will be sure to pick it up and save you a trip.
Collection will go from now until Saturday, December 14, 2013
Thank you, in advance! Happy Holidays!