From the Pastor’s Desk
“The function of Advent is to remind us what we’re waiting for as we go through life too busy with things that do not matter […]
“The function of Advent is to remind us what we’re waiting for as we go through life too busy with things that do not matter […]
Dear PPPC, We’ve almost made it to the end of the year! Next Sunday, November 26th is Christ the King Sunday, also known as Reign […]
Thank you to everyone who came out to help and to all who donated!
Dear PPPC, This week we continue in Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi. I’d like to share again, the beginning of last week’s sermon […]
Dear PPPC, Throughout the month of November, we are going to be in the book of Philippians, or more accurately, we will be digging into […]
Thank you! Thank you! We’ve received just shy of 72% of our goal! As of Thursday, November 2nd, we have received 63 gifts totaling $25,160.50 towards our […]
PPPC GET INVOLVED! Mark your calendar! Saturday, November 4, 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Location: Christian Education Building Set aside time for this one-day […]