Do you shop on Amazon?
You are now able to give to PPPC with any eligible purchase, through Amazon’s giving program, AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile links your Amazon or Amazon Prime account […]
You are now able to give to PPPC with any eligible purchase, through Amazon’s giving program, AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile links your Amazon or Amazon Prime account […]
If you are not currently an active member at PPPC, we would love for you to consider joining us more formally in ministry and mission. […]
Tonight 811 million people will go to bed hungry. They have no idea where their next meal will come from—or if it will come at […]
The Nursery reopens this Sunday.
Thanks to all of you who partnered with Interfaith-RISE in our May Mission project. We have received several messages of appreciation from the Volunteer Coordinator, […]
Beginning with Palm Sunday on April 10th, all of our Holy Week services will be held in the Sanctuary and available via Zoom. Beginning this […]
It is with great joy that the Point Pleasant/Bay Head Area Churches announce the return of the Easter sunrise service! For the past two years […]
Come join us and explore our faith at 10:00 a.m. this Sunday morning. We start in the Sanctuary and then head over to the Education […]
There will be a special offering next Sunday, February 27th in worship. We ask you to consider giving to this offering, which will be used […]